Category: Senza categoria
“The material of the future” – Here is the article published in the Platinum magazine (March edition)

Interview with the Project Coordinator (Leoluca Liggio) and the Scientific Responsible  (Gaudenzio Meneghesso), who provided a clear description of the GaN4A project, a H2020 investee company (with 36 partners plus 9 affiliates, located in 6 European countries).

They explained the ambitious research challenge of the project and how activities are being carried out through four parallel paths.

Read the full article:  Open link   

The Platinum magazine was distributed within the newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore” on the 21st of March, 2022. 

Its online edition is available at  

European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2022

Link: EMRS Fall Meeting 2022


EMRS Fall Meeting 2022 (Warsaw, 19-22 Sept 2022) – Symposium G
New frontiers in wide-bandgap semiconductors and heterostructures for
electronics, optoelectronics and sensing

Several GaN4AP participants are involved in organizing this event

Summer School of Information Engineering (SSIE)

Link: Summer School of Information Engineering (SSIE)


The University of Padova (IUNET) is working to organize the Summer School of Information Engineering (SSIE).

It will be held in Bressanone (Italy) on July 11-15 2022.

SAVE the DATE – 1st Formal project review

The first formal review of the GaN4AP project has been scheduled. 

It will take place in Brussels, on Thursday 30 June 2022.

NanoInnovation 2021 Rome, 21-24 September


Link: NanoInnovation 2021

NanoInnovation represents the reference national event for the wide and multidisciplinary community involved in the study and development of micro and nanotechnologies and in their integration with other enabling technologies (KETs) in all application fields. Read More

This project has received funding from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU), under grant agreement No.101007310. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands.