Link: GaN MARATHON 2024

The GaN Marathon 2024 was held in the heart of Verona, a UNESCO world heritage and set of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.

Several invited and regular speakers from Europe and overseas discussed the latest advancement of GaN technologies in microwave, mm-wave, 5G communications, power conversion and optoelectronics.

The event was organiized by IUNET-UNIPD and other GaN4AP partners (CNRS, DTSMNS-CNR, and IHPP) participated in the event.  In particular, the following prsentations were given:

  • M. Bockowski (IHPP, invited talk) GaN-on-GaN technology from the perspective of materials science
  • F. Ercolano (IUNET-UNIMORE) TCAD analysis of the High-Temperature Reverse-Bias Stress on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  • G. Meneghesso (IUNET-UNIPD) The Gan4AP projects: results and challenges 
  • Y. Cordier (CNRS-CHREA) Evaluation of ScAlN/GaN HEMTs grown by ammonia source molecular beam epitaxy
  • G. Greco (DTSMNS-CNR, poster presentation) – Transport mechanisms in “Au free” contacts for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs