The Technological District Sicily Micro and Nano Systems of Sicily is a consortium included into the 25 districts promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education & Research. The members of the District are many enterprises (SMEs and large companies), the three Sicilian Universities (Palermo, Catania and Messina), the National Research Council, other research centers. As a matter of fact, the Consortium can provide with really strong competencies, due to the fact that among its parties it includes several national and global firms dedicated to research, development and experimentation of micro-nano industrial systems. The DTSMNS also owns direct resources that deal with the promotion and delivery activities by huge experienced and certified people. The DTSMNS in the priority sector of nanotechnology, focuses the activities on micro and nano systems able to introduce radical innovations, with specific and wide impacts in the following areas:
- micro and nano systems for Energy and Energy Efficiency;
- micro and nano systems for human Health and Biotechnologies;
- micro and nano systems for the Agrofood System;
- micro and nano systems for Transports and Advanced Logistics Systems.
It is also member of two Italian Technology Clusters: the Smart Factory and Life Sciences (ALISEI). Due to the fact that it is an innovative and representative cluster of centers of excellence of the Sicily Region, the District promotes itself as partner for cooperation projects and collaborations inside European networks in order to:
- facilitate investments in research, new technologies and innovation (in particular in the following areas: nanoelectronics, photonics, nanotechnology, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing systems, biotechnology);
- promote the adoption of innovative solutions in companies and public administration;
- facilitate internationalization processes, improving the ability to attract investments and talents, creating the conditions for the birth of start-ups and research spin-offs, with the aim of achieving a better international competitiveness, and a better ability to achieve synergies between different industries of the same technological nature.
The DTSMNS as project leader, drives important national cutting-edge projects about nanotechnology in the areas of health, energy and plastic materials. It is also coordinator of the WInSiC4AP project on to the 2016 ECSEL RIA call.
Website: www.distrettomicronano.it
For the GaN4AP project, the DTSMNS is in charge of the Project Coordination and Project Management. It is also responsible for numerous research and development activities that it will carry out with the deep competencies provided by its linked third-parties:
The University of Catania (UNICT) will participate in the project with the Department of Electrical Electronics and Computer Engineering, making the Power Electronics and Microelectronics Labs available, and contributing in Clusters 1 and 4 to the development of innovative Systems-in-Package and traction inverter Demonstrators.
Website: https://www.unict.it; http://www.dieei.unict.it
The University of Messina (UNIME) is involved in the project through three departments (Ingegneria, MIFT, Chibiofaram), which are tasked in Cluster 1 to investigate about morphological and structural changes of GaN devices packing materials (WP5), to validate the concept of a multilevel, mixed Si/GaN, inverter topology for electric vehicles (WP6) and to develop mathematical models to assess the reliability of GaN devices (WP7).
Website: https://www.unime.it/
The University of Palermo (UNIPA) will participate in Cluster 1 and 4 activities, focusing its effort on GaN device study and characterization, and will contribute to devise new reliability test methods, to the package design refinement, and the design and implementation of a lab demo.
Website: https://www.unipa.it/
The National Research Council of Italy (CNR) participates in the project with the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) (www.imm.cnr.it). The team of IMM in Catania has a recognized experience on wide band gap semiconductors (like SiC and GaN), in the fields of materials, processing and devices characterization. Within GaN4AP, CNR will contribute to the characterization and validation of bulk GaN materials (WP3) and provide support with characterizations of the gate region in GaN devices (WP4). Moreover, on behalf of DTSMNS, CNR will be assigned to managing the progression of WP8, dealing with the Communication and Dissemination activities.
Website: www.cnr.it; www.imm.cnr.it
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per la Nanoelettronica (IUNET)
The “Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per la Nanoelettronica” (IUNET, Italian Universities Nano-Electronics Team), is a non-profit, private Organization, which has been created with the initial aim to lead and coordinate the effort of the major Italian University Teams in the field of Semiconductor-Based Nanoelectronic Device Modeling and Characterization. After this initial phase, several other groups have joined IUNET, bringing competences in analog, mixed-mode and digital IC design, electronic systems, algorithms for signal processing and power devices based on III-V and III-N semiconductors.
Current Members of IUNET are the Universities of Bologna, Calabria, Ferrara, Modena e Reggio Emilia, Padova, Pisa, Roma “Sapienza”, Udine, and the Politecnico of Milano. They offer renown and complementary expertise in the field of modeling, simulation, design, characterization of CMOS-based nanometer-size electronic and wide-bandgap power devices as well as in the development of algorithms and architectures for signal and information processing and power generation.
The partners of IUNET involved in the project are the following:
- Università di Bologna
- Università della Calabria
- Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
- Università di Padova
The specific competences and expertise brought to the project are related to: i) the understanding of parasitic phenomena in GaN-based Power devices, through advanced characterization of device static and dynamic characteristics; ii) 2D/3D device simulations of GaN-based devices with special focus on parasitic phenomena and breakdown behavior; iii) Identification of device failure modes and mechanisms as well as recommendations towards the development of a robust and reliable GaN–based technology; iv) material characterization for the evaluation of structural quality of epitaxial layers. This contribution is relevant to the project and is certified by the very large number of relevant papers published in international journals, the long-standing collaboration with leading industries in the field and the extremely significant recognition at international level of all the involved team members, as it can be deduced by their CVs.
Website: www.iunet.info
Advantest Europe GmbH (AEG)
Advantest Corporation is the leading manufacturer of automatic test and measurement equipment used in the design and production of semiconductors, for applications including 5G communications, the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, smart medical devices and more. Its leading-edge systems and products are integrated into the most advanced semiconductor production lines in the world.
Automated Testing Equipment (ATE) is used to verify the quality, performance and reliability of semiconductors by electrically testing their complex and varied functions. The automated testing technologies from Advantest deliver the industry’s highest level of accuracy and contribute to higher production efficiencies at the world’s leading IC manufacturers.
Advantest Europe GmbH is Advantest’s German subsidiary, established in 1982, and headquartered in Munich with affiliates in Italy, France and Israel. Advantest Europe employs over 800 people throughout this region.
Founded in Tokyo in 1954, Advantest is a global company with facilities around the world and an international commitment to sustainable practices and social responsibility.
Website: www.advantest.com
Its equipment is used by a diverse range of customers worldwide to manufacture critical, advanced components such as HBTs, PHEMTs, power HEMT, Lasers, LEDs, Detectors and VCSELs used in fibre optic communications systems, wireless and mobile telephony applications, optical storage devices, illumination, signalling and lighting. AIXTRON’s customized MOCVD systems are the key technology enabling development and manufacture of compound semiconductors. The many advantages of the AIXTRON Planetary Reactors® and the Shower Head reactor include user-friendly operation, excellent process stability as well as very high precursor efficiencies and the world’s best uniformities. Together with excellent reliability and high throughput, all these properties lead to a valuable device yield and a high uptime. AIXTRON will bring in its competence in the development and adaptation of CVD equipment based on customer requirements as well as its extensive experiences in the hetero epitaxy of III-V compound semiconductor structures, heterojunctions, LED and transistors.
With a market share of more than 50% AIXTRON is the leading manufacturer of MOCVD equipment for III-V semiconductor device production. Several publically funded projects successfully run by AIXTRON contribute to the development of compound semiconductor production technology.
Website: www.aixtron.com
aPSI3D is a for-profit private “SAS” Organization. aPSI3D has been developing advanced technology for very low inductance, double side cooling, high power, highly compact electronic modules, firstly dedicated to automotive inverters and high frequency switching operations. aPSI3D is focused on industrializing its technologies firstly for automotive inverters.
aPSI3D has been collaborating with die manufacturers and tier-1 automotive suppliers. It has a longstanding experience in tying the overall die-to-system technology constraints. aPSI3D’s technology solution is perfectly matched for high switching operations and high heat density dissipation. Consequently, aPSI3D’s solution is perfectly fit to the most advanced GaN solutions developed in this project. In the value chain, aPSI3D sits between the die manufacturer and the system assembler.
aPSI3D will offer its packaging expertise to the die designer, in terms of layout and interfaces, mandatory to double power density and reduce loop inductance. Simultaneously, aPSI3D will offer to the system designers the actual knowledge on how power modules should be utilized in extreme operations. aPSI3D has been working with its own resources, but also with a network of academic partners whose contribution has been a strong support in expertise and resources for the company.
aPSI3D has been marketing its advanced power module technology currently proven on igbts, and being developed with SiC. aPSI3D is also developing a 3X more compact inverter to accelerate its module market acceptance. Automatizing its prototyping line is the next investment planned by the company. aPSI3D is therefore organized to maximize the exploitation of the project.
Website: www.apsi3d.com
Automatisierungstechnik Voigt GmbH (ATV)
AutomatisierungsTechnik Voigt (ATV) is a midsize company, located in Dresden, Germany. ATV has been founded in 2000 and is having 18 employees.
Main focus of ATV is the creation of automated, electrical, test and characterization system for
semiconductor structures (for example CMOS, GaN, …). ATV is addressing customers from universal/research area up to the industrial production floor. Enabling the clients a transition from lab to fab. In order to target the demanding needs of each customer, ATV is using most modern wafer probe systems, state of the art measurement solutions as well as own developed modern and flexible test executive software to realize full system solutions.
ATV combine all knowledge, capabilities, and tools to understand the challenges of new material
requirements as well as to validate if and how current available test equipment could contribute to
an optimized characterization solution. In case existing equipment is not available to fulfill the
required specifications, ATV has already shown its capability to develop tailored test solutions.
Such developments also require optimizations in software functions to allow the customer getting
all required analysis for a successful development. Further, in the follow ATV is even able to adopt
such advanced test and characterization solutions into the challenging requirements of a fully
automated production environment.
In order to be successful at the described stages it is vital for the ATV to develop a fitting concept
tuned to the individual requirements by close cooperation with the customer to fully understand all system requirements regarding: Reliability, Repeatability, Accuracy,…). Due to the overall
approach ATV can finetune each single step of the entire system to the needs of the customer.
Website: www.atv-systems.de
CEA-Leti, a technology research institute at CEA, is a global leader in miniaturization technologies enabling smart, energy-efficient and secure solutions for industry. Founded in 1967, CEA-Leti pioneers micro-& nanotechnologies, tailoring differentiating applicative solutions for global companies, SMEs and startups. CEA-Leti tackles critical challenges in healthcare, energy and digital migration. From sensors to data processing and computing solutions, CEA-Leti’s multidisciplinary teams deliver solid expertise, leveraging world-class pre-industrialization facilities. With a staff of more than 1,900, a portfolio of 3,100 patents, 11,000 sq. meters of cleanroom space and a clear IP policy, the institute is based in Grenoble, France, and has offices in Silicon Valley and Tokyo. CEA-Leti has launched 70 startups and is a member of the Carnot Institutes network.
Website: https://www.leti-cea.com/
Centre national de la recherche scientifique – Centre de Recherche sur l’Hétéro-Epitaxie et ses Applications (CNRS-CRHEA)
The “Centre de Recherche sur l’Hétéro-Epitaxie et ses Applications” (CRHEA) is a public research laboratory of the French “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (CNRS). The laboratory is specialized in the epitaxy of semiconductors, especially wide bandgap semiconductors like III-Nitrides, SiC and ZnO. CRHEA is a national leader in epitaxy, is part of the national RENATECH network and is coordinating the Laboratory of Excellence (labex) GaNeX dedicated to III-Nitrides (www.ganex.fr, http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/ProjetIA-11-LABX-0014). The laboratory works on GaN epitaxy since more than 20 years. The research on GaN-on-Silicon started at the end of the 90’s. Developments for electron devices started at the beginning of 2000 for RF applications and now include MEMS and power switching. The laboratory collaborates with companies like RIBER, STMicroelectronics, SOITEC or THALES.
Website: www.crhea.cnrs.fr/en
Dockweiler Chemicals GmbH (DOCK)
DOCKWEILER CHEMICALS GmbH is mainly active in the field of manufacturing highest purity chemicals for high tech industries. We develop, design, manufacture and globally distribute a variety of process chemicals, in general called precursors. Our customers are using these precursors in deposition processes (typically chemical vapor deposition) forming thin functional layers which are the basis of nowadays computers, light emitting diodes, smart phones and laser based communication technology, just to name a few end applications.
Our roots go back to activities at the Philipps University of Marburg/Germany at the end of the 1980’s which laid ground for the foundation of a spin off company (MOCHEM GmbH) in 1993.
We are serving customers in the following markets:
DOCKWEILER CHEMICALS GmbH is offering it’s innovative solutions under the DOCK/CHEMICALS brand name which had been launched in 2012. DOCK/’s long history gives us access to a brought customer base and an in depth feel for tomorrow’s customer needs which we can address with our offering. We do have a brought basis in R&D having a wide range of chemicals and services. There are various chemicals which are solely produced/purified by DOCK/ which have the potential to scale from R&D into production. The aim is here to support customers from “lab-2-fab”, meaning scaling manufacturing and implementing a global distribution network for the novel chemicals in use.
Website: www.dockchemicals.com
EDA Industries s.p.a. (EDA)
EDA is worldwide leader in design & realization of Burn-in system, TDBI, BIBs, R&D application support, more than 400 systems are dislocated Worldwide in more than 25 countries [R&D Labs and production plants].
EDA boasts a range of intelligent burn-in & Test systems on automotive devices and provides fully integrated solutions for the Environmental Stress Tests, life Simulation Tests and Burn-in process, offering analysis, design and manufacturing of the electronic boards and Test Program for the qualification of new semiconductor devices, engineering and service support at production plants through its many branches located in Singapore, China, Malaysia, USA and Philippines.
EDA is involved in more than 120 projects per year in the engineering, design and development of burn-in boards for its customers for an amount that yearly exceeds 4.5 M€.
EDA technical department personnel is mainly graduated with Master of Science degree in mechanical or in electrical engineering. Several years (18 years) of experience in the design of the burn-in ovens, including the cold option. More than 25 years of experience in development of burn-in systems, Burn-in Boards and Extender Cards to ensure contact between high count pins – fine pitch packaged devices and the test Hardware under mechanical and environmental stresses.
EDA claims the following skills in its technical department:
• Mechanical Design Division: 5 engineers
• Thermodynamics & cooling unit design: 2 engineers
• System Electronic, Electrical & SW Design: 11 engineers
• Application & Bib Electronic design: 17 engineers
• Skilled operators on Laser, Milling & Lathe machines in production area for prototyping purposes.
EDA boasts more than 24 HV burn-in systems for SiC devices installed on 5 countries for more than 4 years
EDA has acquired a clear vision in foreseeing high voltage Burn-in & Test systems that can significantly benefit the manufacturing process in terms of costs. By combining the experiences in Burn-in & HV Testing, EDA will be entitled to propose solution that can put in symbiosis the challenges for the improvement of an integrated solution for GaN devices.
GaN4AP Project presents characteristics and challenges that are addressed by EDA company mission.
Website: www.eda-industries.net
Enel X Srl (ENEL-X)
Enel X s.r.l. is a company incorporated in Viale Tor Di Quinto 45/47, 00191, Rome, Italy and is a subsidiary fully owned by Enel SpA. Enel SpA is a multinational energy company and one of the world’s leading integrated electricity and gas operators. Enel SpA works in 37 countries across 5 continents, generating energy with a net installed capacity of almost 84 GW, selling gas and distributing electricity across a network spanning approximately 2.1 million km. With around 74 million end users around the world, Enel SpA has the biggest customer base among our European competitors and is one of Europe’s leading energy companies by installed capacity and reported EBITDA. Enel SpA’s portfolio of power stations is highly diversified, running on hydroelectric, wind, geothermal, solar, thermoelectric, nuclear and other renewable sources of power. Almost half of the energy generated by Enel is produced with zero carbon dioxide emissions, making the group one of the leading producers of clean energy.
The Enel Group is made up of nearly 63,300 people from around the world whose brilliant work is based on values of Responsibility, Innovation, Trust and Proactivity. Together all Enel Group employees are working on the same goal of “Open Power” in order to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. Within the strategy of opening electricity to new uses, towards the end of 2017 Enel SpA restructured its organization creating Enel X, a subsidiary dedicated to non-commodity activities such as energy efficiency, demand response, smart cities, smart homes and electric mobility.
Website: www.enelx.com
Freiberger Compound Materials GMBH (FCM)
Freiberger Compound Materials was founded on 18th May 1995, as a spin-off of VEB Spurenmetalle Freiberg, which was established in 1957. Later that year, on 31st August 1995, FCM was sold to “Federmann Enterprises Ltd.”, one of the leading Israeli enterprises with diversified worldwide activities. The current portfolio of FCM includes semi-insulating (SI) and semi-conducting (SC) GaAs single crystals and wafers, produced by the VGF and LEC crystal growth techniques, with a diameter of up to 200 mm. The wafer surfaces are generally epi-ready (extremely low contamination) i.e. their quality is suitable for direct use in epitaxy processes. At present FCM is the only vendor of SI-GaAs in Europe and the global market leader with a share of more than 50% of the world market. The market share of SC-GaAs currently is still lower. In this market segment with increasing diameter with up to 150 mm, FCM is seeking larger market shares in the mid-term. Triggered by the growth of the market FCM is currently expanding its headquarter in Freiberg. Simultaneously, FCM develops new technologies for GaAs, InP, and GaN wafer production.
Our guiding principle for all business processes is „Reliability, flexibility, and creativity at all times and in all cases”. With ca. 300 employees and only a manufacturing company located in Germany FCM strives to defend its leading position in the global market by setting trends and developing growth opportunities. Thus, we contribute to technological sovereignty of the EU. Environmental awareness and ecological sustainability are the main factors that determine our conduct of business.
Website: https://www.freiberger.com
Ferrari S.p.A. (FERRARI)
Ferrari is among the world’s leading luxury brands focused on the design, engineering, production and sale of the world’s most recognizable luxury performance sports cars.
Ferrari brand symbolizes exclusivity, innovation, state-of-the-art sporting performance and Italian design, craftsmanship and engineering heritage. Ferrari name and history and the image enjoyed by Ferrari cars are closely associated with the Formula 1 racing team, Scuderia Ferrari, the most successful team in Formula 1 history. From the inaugural year of Formula 1 in 1950 through the present, Scuderia Ferrari has won 238 Grand Prix races, 16 Constructor World titles and 15 Drivers’ World titles. Ferrari history of excellence, technological innovation and defining style transcends the automotive industry, and is the foundation of the Ferrari brand and image. Ferrari design, engineer and produce cars in Maranello, Italy, and sell them in over 60 markets worldwide through a network of 166 authorized dealers operating 187 points of sale as of the end of 2019.
Ferrari is exploring different technologies to match the future market requirements. As published on newspapers and magazines, Ferrari is investing resources in the electrification of a part of its product gamma and is engaged directly in the design of HV components. GaN technology will enable Ferrari to reach strategic key features in terms of reduction of losses and weight thanks to switching frequency increase. The losses reduction is directly connected to the need of cooling system performance inside the car. Due to this targets for Ferrari GaN technology is a strategic investigations.
Website: https://www.ferrari.com
University of Applied Science, Department TTZ-EMO (FHWS)
University of Applied Sciences Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS) is among the biggest universities of applied sciences in Bavaria. Situated in Lower Franconia, an administrative district to the north of the federal state of Bavaria, we offer education and research at three locations: Würzburg, Schweinfurt and Bad Neustadt. At ten faculties we offer more than 40 bachelor’s and master’s programmes. We concentrate our research and development activities in 8 institutes where PhD students can be educated in cooperation with partnering universities. One of our institutes, the technology-transfer-center TTZ-EMO in Bad Neustadt is a center of expertise in the field of electric energy systems, especially power electronics, electric drives and battery systems. It collaborates with national and international partners from universities over small, medium to large enterprises many of them with global presence and international technological leadership. The power electronics working group performs research in optimizing power electronic systems, in particular by using novel control methods for power converters. Core competencies of the power electronics group include highly dynamic direct current control on FPGA basis for power converters (2-, 3- and 5-level), including SiC power converters for various applications such as automotive and industrial.
Website: www.fhws.de and https://ttz-emo.fhws.de/
Finepower GmbH (FINEPOWER)
Finepower GmbH, is a leading sales- and engineering company focused on innovative applications in the field of power electronics. Since 2001 we are acting as a successful and professional partner for our customers and suppliers.
By employing newest technologies and innovative solutions we contribute substantially to the reduction of energy consumption and environment saving. Our services are very important to the solution of our customers in the continuously growing market segments. (Automotive, Industry, Renewable energy, Consumer, Telecom). Finepower offers Services in Marketing, Sales and Engineering.
Engineering: Finepower’s versatile team of experienced designers holds significant specific know how and performs the conversation of fastidious technical challenges into solutions. Supported by advanced laboratory equipment and modern hardware and software tools, our engineers can reduce and optimize the design time. Beside the development of power electronic systems, we are also specialized on the design of complex magnetic power components, thermal calculations and electrical simulations. The engineering core competence is on bidirectional power conversion from the 1~ and 3~ public grid with long experiences in developing chargers, grid converters and high power, high efficient DC/DC converters. As a design house with own engineering department Finepower can offer services from consulting, simulation, layout up to building up prototypes including mechanical design and SW know how for microprocessors and DSP in order to regulate and control the electronic or to transmit power telemetry data. To bring the electronics to series including supporting certifications is also part of our activities.
Marketing & Sales: Our marketing services are based on Finepower’s know how in power electronics and power management applications. Long-time experienced experts elaborate individual solutions for growing the business in the target market segments of our customers and partners. Finepower acts as a representative company for leading manufacturers and suppliers in power electronics. Our powerful and motivated sales force provides the market access for innovative products of our partners. Focussed on the target application we are an appreciated and competent partner for purchase and development.
Website: www.finepower.com
Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IHPP PAS)
HPP PAS, also known as ‘Unipress’, was founded in 1972 by the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Institute is directed by Prof. Izabella Grzegory. Although the original focus of IHPP PAS was on high-pressure studies of semiconductors, the present field of research activities also covers ceramics, HTc superconductors biological materials (high-pressure studies of protein folding, and high pressure food processing) and the plasticity of metals (hydroextrusion). The common axis of these studies is the use of high pressure, both as a research tool (a perturbation like temperature or magnetic field) and also as a technological method (high-pressure sintering, high-pressure growth of crystals). For more than 30 years, IHPP PAS scientists have worked intensively on the physics and technology of gallium nitride (GaN) and related semiconductors. This research led to the creation of a unique technology of high nitrogen pressure solution (HNPS) growth of GaN crystals with a record low dislocation density (102 cm-2). This has paved the way to construction of blue/violet laser diodes by using crystals as substrates for growing epitaxial structures of (AlGaIn)N with exceptional structural and optical quality. Both the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) nitride technology has been developed at IHPP PAS together with the laser-processing laboratory.
Other GaN crystallization methods that are developed at IHPP PAS are ammonothermal and halide vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE). Work on ammonothermal growth started in the 1990s and the results were implemented by Ammono company which has recently been acquired by IHPP PAS and became part of the Crystal Growth Laboratory. The crystallized GaN is of the highest structural quality and different electrical properties. The unintentionally incorporated impurity is oxygen. It’s high concentration results in n-type conductivity. Growth of n-type material is the best developed one with the largest number of available dedicated seeds. The HVPE technology was implemented to IHPP PAS at the beginning of 21st century by Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. Today, the highest structural quality HVPE-GaN crystals are grown in the Crystal Growth Laboratory at IHPP PAS.
Part of the Crystal Growth Laboratory is a theoretical group with a long-term experience in calculations and modelling of nitride semiconductors. This group cooperates closely with the experimental one supporting the development of crystal growth as well as investigating different properties of GaN. The performed calculations illustrate both the surface and the bulk of the semiconductors. More information on the Crystal Growth Laboratory, it’s tasks, projects and papers can be found on the website: https://www.unipress.waw.pl/growth
The laboratories of IHPP PAS are located in Stanisławów Pierwszy, Strużańska 8 (Laboratory of Ammonothermal Crystallization of GaN), in Celestynów-Lasek (Laboratory of HVPE Crystallization of GaN, Laboratory of Glass and Ceramics, Laboratory of Hydroextrusion) and in Warsaw, Sokołowska 29/37 (Laboratory of HVPE and HNPS Crystallization of GaN) and Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98 (Laboratory of MOCVE and MBE Crystallization of GaN, Laboratory of Characterization, Laboratory of Nanostructures and Laboratory of Processing). Currently there are more than 250 employees at IHPP PAS, including 109 scientific positions and 30 PhD students.
Website: www.unipress.waw.pl
Institute of Microelectronic Applications s.r.o. (IMA) was originally a limited private company (SME) located in Praha and Pardubice (CZ). As of the beginning of 2021, WITTE Automotive GmbH completed the acquisition of Institut mikroelektronických aplikací s.r.o. (IMA) and thus became the 100% owner of the company. As a result of this acquisition, the status of IMA is changing from a small/medium-sized enterprise (SME) to a large enterprise (LE). Being on the market since 1992, IMA is well established in the smart card business and follow up micro technologies bridging towards nanotechnology. IMA deals with electronic identification and utilizes smart cards, RFID/NFC, biometrics and wireless ZigBee technology. For 2 years IMA was chairing WG cards of EFMI (European Federation for Medical Informatics). IMA represents CZ in ISO and CEN groups for standards in health care domain. Beside this, IMA was key partner for BioHealth project / awarded by Europe INNOVA/, in which proactive repository of standards for IDM, security and BioHealth has been created (more than 200 standards across ISO, CEN, ETSI and GS1). Providing large systems in CZ, IMA is now launching application hosted in NFC mobile set and collaborate with mobile operators on management of identities. Within real applications running IMA is piloting various advanced technologies. IMA also provides integration services in terms of: a) merging new eID systems into the existing infrastructure, b) meeting legal regulatory base for eServices applied cross boarder within EU, c) ensuring privacy and personal data protection and d) data fusion and mining, profiling and correlations detection among identified objects. This ensures safety and security for supervised persons at public spaces. Within EU projects (Artemis, Eniac, Catrene) IMA delivered electronic devices and applications for automotive and building domain – car data remote monitoring, car sensor data processing, advanced access management, EV charging data concentration, air quality monitoring services.
Website: www.ima.cz
The focus of the research activities of the Institute of Micro Production Technology (IMPT) as an institute of the LUH is the modelling and manufacturing of sensors, passive components and MEMS, especially of those based on magnetic effects. In addition, the mechanical and electrical characterization of MEMS and their refinement is investigated. Development activities range from magnetic field sensors to measurement systems and micro motors, actuators to manipulation of micro-optical lens systems as well as optical measurements systems, and to passive components for electronic applications.
Available to the scientific and technical staff of the IMPT for research activities is a class ISO 5 clean room, which allows for the implementation of microsystem processes for the production and analysis of MEMS and reliability studies. In addition, the IMPT has access to laboratories for further mechanical processing and metrological characterization of microtechnical systems and materials. The IMPT is well integrated in the comprehensive facilities of the Hannover Center for Production Technology (PZH) and strengthens the research potential of the PZH in the area of micro production technology.
Website: www.uni-hannover.de
Mecaprom Technologies Corporation Italia srl (MECAPROM)
MECAPROM was founded in 1960 as a development company for automotive engineering and prototyping. The Company operates in the domestic and international market as a leader in the development of powertrain and drive-line systems. Engines and transmissions have always been the centre of attraction of our best resources: the core of an international group that has been able to develop meaningful innovations to achieve the highest levels of excellence in design and realization.
The solutions and the conceptual proposals are made on the basis of inputs provided by customers, the reference standards of the final product, bearing in mind the reduction of costs and time-to-market.
MECAPROM customers’ portfolio include major automotive industry leaders who operate globally, such as Audi, FCA, GM, Iveco, Piaggio, Avtovaz.
The company is able to offer a complete know-how regarding the realization of conventional and electrified powertrains, as well as on-board and/or static energy management systems. MECAPROM can realize the concept of an entire engine or a complete gear-box group, manage the layout of the engine, design and realize a full advanced Battery System, build experimental equipment such as flowbox or experimental components derived from the overall standard and implemented thanks to the EDM technology.
The company has acquired several certifications, such as the certificate UNI EN ISO9001:2008.
In addition, a small L7e (heavy quadricycle electric propelled) has been designed and the production started on the Regis-Motors Srl premises (a partner company).
Website: www.mecaprom.com
NXP Netherlands Semiconductors BV (NXP)
The organisation: NXP Semiconductors, http://www.nxp.com , provides High Performance Mixed Signal and Standard Product solutions that leverage its leading RF, Analogue, Power Management, Interface, Security and Digital Processing expertise. With Headquarters in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, NXP has 27,000 employees working in more than 25 countries with research and development activities in Asia, Europe and the United States, and manufacturing facilities in Asia and Europe. There are approximately 3,200 employees working for R&D in 23 locations of which over 2,600 support our High-Performance Mixed-Signal businesses. NXP has ~14,000 issued and pending patents.
Website: www.nxp.com
Schneider Electric is a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries; Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions to make energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green across multiple market segments. The Group has leadership positions in energy and infrastructure, industrial processes, building automation, and data centres/networks, as well as a broad presence in residential applications. In 2020 Schneider Electric has $27 bn Global Sales balanced all over the world. 50% come from digitization: connected products, edge controls, analytics, software and services. The company has more than 137 000 employees in over 100 countries.
Schneider Electric offers products and solutions for 5 main markets:
- Energy & Infrastructure (main customers: Electrical utilities, water & waste treatment plants, Public sector investors, oil & gas infrastructure, Marine sector, etc.)
- Industry (main customers: Engineering firms, systems integrators, OEMs, large industrial companies, panel builders and electrical equipment distributors, end users
- Data centers and networks (main customers: From small companies to global groups, hospitals, administrations, etc. Our customers are where the availability and quality of the electrical energy is critical.)
- Buildings: ( main customers: Developers, engineering offices, developers, engineering and design firms, systems integrators, contractors, panel builders, electrical equipment distributors, building operators and end users.)
- Residential: (main customers: Architects, building owners, developers, building contractors, electricians, electrical equipment distributors, DIY superstores and end users.)
For all these markets, our products and services solutions cover: Processes control and supervision, Power supply & distribution, Energy monitoring and control, Utility management (lighting, ventilation, elevators, intruder alert, etc, Smart electrical networks management, Single site or multi-site production data management, Critical power, Machine control and monitoring, Architecture design and installation audits, Leading-edge UPS systems, electrical switchgear, generators, etc, Cooling systems with a unique rackbased cooling technique to avoid overheating.
Innovation and R&D
Schneider electric invests between 4 to 5% of its sales in R&D activities with more than 8600 engineering in 25 countries. The main R&D hubs are based in Grenoble, Shangai, Bangalore and Boston. The main objective is to develop solutions that not only optimise efficiency and reduce costs, but also deliver increased simplicity, ease of use, and environmental benefit. These new responses to the issues of energy efficiency and the emerging Smart Grid incorporate high technology products, services, and software.
The following two entities of the Schneider Electric Group will participate in the project:
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC GERMANY (SCHNEIDER-DE) with its Machine Solition research & Development team having large experience in rectifier and inverter design for industrial Servo Drive devices.
Website: www.se.com/de
ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS (SCHNEIDER-F) with its Power conversion team having large expertise in WBG devices and converters topologies.
Website: www.se.com/fr/fr
Sempa Systems GmbH (SEMPA)
SEMPA SYSTEMS GmbH, part of the global Meptagon Group, develops, manufactures, installs and services high purity supply systems and offers turn-key solutions to the semiconductor, photovoltaic, glass fibre, printed electronics, automotive and pharmaceutical industries. From our sites in Dresden and Jena and in collaboration with our cooperation partners we serve a global customer base. Our team of over 100 professionals is dedicated to exceeding our customers’ expectations. Our aim is not only to satisfy a customer demand, but to work cooperatively together with our clients identifying challenges and opportunities in advance, hence being an active partner reaching process excellence at our clients. SEMPA‘s main mission is our commitment to quality and to realize solutions for tomorrow’s challenges today. A strategic focus of SEMPA is in the development of advanced supply systems for precursors. This ranges from liquid supply systems to advanced evaporation technology for liquid and solid precursors. SEMPA has been gathering profound know-how over the last years – also in joint development projects with international partners.
Website: www.sempa.de
STMicroelectronics Group
STMicroelectronics is a world leader in providing the semiconductor solutions that make a positive contribution to people’s lives, today and into the future.
ST is a global semiconductor company with net revenues of US$ 12.76 billion in 2021. Offering one of the industry’s broadest product portfolios, ST serves customers across the spectrum of electronics applications with innovative semiconductor solutions for Smart Driving and the Internet of Things. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life augmented.
Semiconductor solutions for Smart Driving and the IoT
ST’s products are found everywhere today, and together with our customers, we are enabling smarter driving and smarter homes, factories, and cities, along with the next generation of mobile and Internet of Things devices.
Smart Driving: safer, greener, more connected
It is estimated that 80% of all innovations in the automotive industry today are directly or indirectly enabled by electronics, which means a constant increase in the semiconductor content per car year after year. ST’s Smart Driving products and solutions are making driving safer, greener and more connected through the combination of several of our technologies.
Driving is safer thanks to our Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) products – vision, radar, imaging and sensors, as well as our Adaptive Lighting Systems and User Display Technologies. Driving is greener with our automotive processors for engine management units (EMUs) and electronic control units (ECUs), high-efficiency smart power electronics at the heart of all automotive subsystems, Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride devices for hybrid and electric cars, and more. And vehicles are more connected using our infotainment-system and telematics processors and sensors, as well as our radio tuners and amplifiers, positioning technologies, and secure car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure (V2X) connectivity solutions.
ST also provides technologies that enable manufacturing and other industrial sectors to achieve better efficiency, flexibility, and safety through automation and robotics – what we call Smart Industry. The current shift, often labelled the “fourth industrial revolution” is making industrial systems smarter with the combined application of a broad range of products, including Microcontrollers, Sensors and Actuators, Motor Control, Signal Conditioning, Industrial Communication Solutions, Secure solutions, Power Supplies, Protection Devices, Wireless Modules, and Display and LED Controllers.
The STMicroelectronics Group will participate in the project with the four entities here below reported:
- STMicroelectronics Design and Application s.r.o (ST-CZ) that is focusing as Automotive application competence team to provide state-of-the-art application expertise activities, added-value system solution collaterals & Demonstrators, and contribute to the validation of product design via In Application Validation.
- ST-CZ will participate to GaN4AP Cluster 4 work and contribute to Cluster 4 IC demonstrators.
- STMicroelectronics srl (ST-I) that will take the advantage of the participation of many internal Departments as R&D POWER & DISCRETES, ADG Divisions (PTD and LGS), Reliability, Public Affairs and so on; covering from R&D front end to GaN products Application back end providing to the Consortium several GaN semiconductors devices both discrete and integrated. These ICs will be fundamental demonstrators upon which GaN4AP application partners build their final systems.
- STMicroelectronics (Rousset) SAS (ST-R) that will contribute to GaN4AP Cluster 4 work by contributing to all Cluster 4 demonstrator ICs and SiPs specifications, architectures and Functional Safety analysis, by designing and validating the monolithic GaN 650V demonstrator ICs, and by validating the standard and ADAS DCDC converter 48V/12V SiPs.
- STMicroelectronics (Tours) SAS (ST-T) that will optimize the 200mm GaN Pilot Line (epitaxy, FEOL, BEOL) installed at their premises, regarding different possible architectures, for which successive loops of devices will be processed, their performances will be evaluated and their reliability investigated.
Website: www.st.com
Synergie CAD Instruments S.r.l. (Synergie CAD)
Synergie Cad Instruments is member of Synergie Cad Group, with headquarters in Carros (France) and 18 offices worldwide (3 sites in Italy, in Chiari – BS, Terni and Catania), offering turn-key solutions for Test and Reliability of Semiconductor devices, supporting the whole development flow from design to volume manufacturing through the following solutions:
- Engineering, design and manufacturing of Interfaces Boards and Probe Cards for the Test of Semiconductor devices;
- Reliability Test Equipment for Qualification and Burn-In of ICs;
- Characterization and Test Services of Semiconductor devices to support industrialization;
- Device packaging services to support small and medium volume production of Semiconductors.
Advanced electronic design and simulation tools combined with innovative manufacturing techniques and talented engineering teams allow Synergie Cad to cope with the fast evolving technology challenges, enabling its customers to pursue Time to Market and Time to Volume.
The Company’s solutions portfolio benefits from the wide expertise and experience deriving from the long term activities in the Semiconductor industry and strong partnerships with customers; the widespread presence has always been the strategy followed by Synergie Cad Group to provide a “global” and “local” support at the same time.
Website: www.synergie-cad-instruments.it
The Eindhoven University of Technology plays a prominent role at both national and international level through its research and educational programs in the engineering science and technology domain. TUE has 9 departments, 11 bachelor programs, 22 Master‘s degree programs, and several doctoral programs. TUE counts about 3000 employees (33% international), 140 full professors, about 11000 students, 1450 PhD students. The output can be quantified in about 3600 scientific publications per year. The mission of TUE is to be a research driven, design-oriented university of technology, with the primary objective of providing young people with an academic education. The team participating to GaN4AP is the Electromechanics and Power Electronics group (EPE) of the faculty of Electric Engineering. The research of the EPE group, headed by Prof E.A. Lomonova, focuses on the analysis and synthesis of power converter topologies and control strategies, high-frequency and high-precision power converter techniques, and mechatronic systems, containing motor drives, electromagnetic modelling and machine design.
Website: www.tue.nl
Czech Technical University in Prague (UNIPRA)
The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), in the project UNIPRA, is one of the biggest and oldest technical universities in Europe. CTU currently has eight faculties (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Architecture, Transportation Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Information Technology) and about 18,000 students.
For the last academic year, CTU in Prague offered its students 94 study programmes within the framework of which there are 575 fields of study. CTU educates modern specialists, scientists and managers with knowledge of foreign languages, who are dynamic, flexible and can adapt quickly to the requirements of the market.
In 2018, CTU occupied the following positions in the QS World University Rankings, which include more than 4500 world universities: Civil and Structural Engineering – 101st to 150th position; Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manuf. Engineering – 151st to 200th position; Computer Science and Information Systems – 201st to 250th position; Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 201st to 250th position; Mathematics – 251st to 300th position; Physics and Astronomy – 151st to 200th position; Natural Sciences – 220th position; Architecture/Built Environment – 151st to 200th position, and Engineering & Technology – 220th position. CTU is 491st to 500th in this year’s QS World University Rankings.
CTU has many centres for basic and applied research where projects on an excellent international level have been carried out, in many cases, over a long period of time.
CTU provides information, advisory and administrative services for team leaders and participants in Czech and international research projects. CTU helps in popularizing scientific findings and in technology transfer through active participation of scientific teams in fairs and seminars.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FEE CTU) offers a first-class education in electrical engineering, telecommunications, automation, informatics, and computer science & engineering. The study programmes, all closely linked to the faculty’s research activities, are taught in Czech and English. Even without the other CTU faculties, FEE ranks among the top 5 research institutions in the Czech Republic. FEE generates about 30 % of the whole research output of CTU, collaborating extensively with the top universities and institutions worldwide. We offer innovative solutions to our industrial partners, and to military and security institutions. FEE participates in space research programmes and works with government agencies. Our graduates find top jobs in the industry, in research institutions and at universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. Since 1950, FEE has awarded more than 30 000 diplomas, which has made us the benchmark. We are striving to improve our standing as a leading center of research and innovation through our increasingly internationally active academic staff and student body.
Different scientific and industrial projects are dealt at the. The projects are European but also from other continents, typically American.
The UNIPRA working team deals mainly with: Microsystems, sensors and smart sensor systems – design and applications; integrated circuits and electronic elements – design and applications; electronic security systems; semiconductor structures and components; nanoelectronics and spintronics; microsensor and nanosensor structures and systems with embedded intelligence; etc. The team has many years of experience in modeling and simulation of structures of semiconductor components, sensors and actuators, reliability modeling, thermo-mechanical simulation, etc. Activities are focused on materials such as GaN, AlGaN / GaN, diamond, etc.
Website: www.cvut.cz
University of Tours – GREMAN (UNITOU)
– UT is a multidisciplinary university including departments of Art and Human Sciences, Law and Economics, Letter-Language, Sciences and Technology, Medicine and Pharmacy. UT provides internationally leading research in different fields with its 35 research laboratories, high-level education to its 30,000 students, and promotes innovation (startups) and scientific advice. UT participates in a large number of collaborative projects with regional, national and international public institutions, as well as with companies.
– GREMAN is a research group, part of Tours University and CNRS (UMR 7347). The main activities of GREMAN are elaboration and characterization of materials, physics of condensed mater as well as nano and microelectronics, mainly focused on power and RF electronics. Concerning power electronics activity, GREMAN has started researches on wide bandgap materials, in particular SiC and GaN, since 2004. GREMAN has nowadays a multidisciplinary competence, covering all the fields from the materials science to the device development.
– Besides, GREMAN is a founding member of CERTeM (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Technologiques en Microélectronique) in Tours, that gives the full access to the technological platform necessary to achieve all front-end processing (1500m2 clearoom facilities fully equipped) as well as material and device characterizations.
Website(s): www.univ-tours.fr – greman.univ-tours.fr – certem.univ-tours.fr/
Valeo Systemes de Contrôle Moteur S.A (VALEO)
Valeo VSCM (Valeo Systèmes de Contrôle Moteur SAS) is part of Valeo’s Powertrain Systems (one Valeo’s four Business Groups).
Valeo is an automotive supplier, partner to all automakers worldwide. As a technology company, Valeo proposes innovative products and systems that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the development of intuitive driving. In 2020, the Group generated sales of 16.4 billion euros and invested 12% of its original equipment sales in Research and Development. At December 31, 2020, Valeo had 187 plants, 20 research centers, 43 development centers and 15 distribution platforms, and employed 110,300 people in 33 countries worldwide. Valeo is listed on the Paris stock exchange.
Website: www.valeo.com
Valeo-Siemens eAutomotive Group
Electric mobility – thinking ahead with the latest technology
Electric vehicles are making traffic in our cities cleaner and quieter. Using innovative technologies and the latest developments – ranging from electric motors, inverters and chargers through to fully integrated electric powertrain units – Valeo Siemens eAutomotive is contributing toward a low-emission future. In accordance with their agreement, Siemens and Valeo each hold 50 percent of the shares in this joint enterprise and exercise joint control. This Franco-German joint venture, established in December 2016, is fully exploiting the advantages emerging from the fusion of the high-voltage technology divisions of Valeo S.A., a global supplier to the automobile and commercial vehicle industry, and Siemens AG, a global technology powerhouse focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization. On the basis of the complementary product ranges and the expansion of the portfolios, the joint enterprise is exploiting significant synergy effects in production and purchasing, thereby establishing a foundation for sustained growth and profitability. In this way, the joint venture is combining the best of two corporate worlds. This excellent symbiosis has made it possible for Valeo Siemens eAutomotive to establish itself within a very short time as a leading supplier in the growth market of electric mobility. The company is currently involved in several development projects, whose projected sales total 10 billion euros.
Experts in high-voltage components
As an innovative company in a key growth market, Valeo Siemens eAutomotive is developing high-voltage components for vehicles with hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fully electric powertrains. The product portfolio includes electric motors, eAxle motor systems, onboard chargers, inverters and DC/DC converters. The young enterprise is benefiting from expert knowledge in the field of power electronics such as inverters or onboard chargers, as well as the “automotive DNA” of the leading automotive supplier Valeo S.A., and from the technological strength of Siemens AG with its vast experience, particularly in automation and electric powertrain technology. Thanks to this close collaboration, numerous automobile manufacturers around the world are putting their trust in Valeo Siemens eAutomotive and its expertise in high-voltage components for electric vehicles.
Global orientation
Valeo Siemens eAutomotive is well established in both the European home market and the Chinese growth market: More than 3.500 people are working at 10 development and production facilities in Germany, France, China, Hungary and Poland. By 2022, more than 500 new jobs should have been created worldwide in addition to the existing 3.500.
In order to satisfy the demands of customers worldwide, Valeo Siemens eAutomotive is pursuing a global growth strategy. In addition to the headquarters in Erlangen, the joint venture operates several development locations in Germany (Wolfsburg, Sindelfingen), France (Cergy) and China (Shanghai, Shenzhen) as well as production facilities in Germany (Erlangen, Bad Neustadt a.d. Saale), China (Shenzhen, Changzhou, Changshu, Tianjin), Hungary (Veszprem) and Poland (Czechowice).
The Valeo-Siemens eAutomotive Group will participate in the project with the two entities here below reported:
- Valeo Siemens eAutomotive Germany GmbH (VSeA-DE) that contributes mainly with expertise in automotive traction inverter development as well as in drivetrain engineering, assembly and test.
- Valeo Siemens eAutomotive France SAS (VSeA-F) takes part to the project with teams based in R&D center located in Cergy and will focus his developments in a novel On Board Charger.
Website: valeo-siemens.com
Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co.KG (WURTH)
Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG is a manufacturer of electronic and electromechanical components for the electronics industry. Würth Elektronik is part of the Würth Group, the global market leader for fastener technology. The company employs currently 8,300 people and generated sales of 848 million Euro in 2018. Together with Wurth Electronics Midcom, Würth Elektronik iBE, Erwin Büchele and Würth Elektronik Stelvio Kontekt Würth Elektronik eiSos ensures a high availability on all markets world-wide.
The Würth Elektronik eiSos product range covers EMC Components, EMC Filters, Capacitors, Inductors, RF Inductors and LTCC Components, Resistors, Quartz, Oscillators, Transformers, Components for Circuit Protection, Power Modules, LEDs, Connectors, Switches, High-Power Contacts, Assembly Technique, Wireless Connectivity and Sensors.
Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co.KG is one of the largest suppliers of passive components in Europe and one of the few fully integrated PSiP (power system in package) suppliers in Europe. A significant portion of the Würth Elektronik eiSos portfolio targets power supply applications in the industrial market, such as power inductors and transformers or entirely integrated DC/DC converters.
Website: www.we-online.com